Eadestown GFC

Founded 1884

Co. Kildare

Eadestown GAA Family Fun Day & Blitz 29th July 2018

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Eadestown GAA Family Fun Day & Blitz

29th July 2018


‘Twas a grand soft day for it.
Despite the best efforts of the rain, nothing could dampen the spirits of the Eadestown Hardy Bucks who turned out in huge numbers for this years club blitz, this past Sunday.
Over ninety young boys and girls from the parish graced the playing fields of our great club and put on a fine display of football. It does the heart good to see so many bright and enthusiastic young faces around the place and it augurs well for the club’s future.

Away from the action on the pitch, many parents and supporters thronged the grounds enjoying the atmosphere and having the craic.
The club would like to thank all of those who turned up on the day and helped to make it such a success.

But special thanks must go to those who organised everything.

Conal Boran for his great leadership of our juvenile section.
Richie Hayden for organising all the teams and setting up the pitches, ably supported by Mick Delaney and Adrian Curtain.
Brian Gibson for setting up the slip and slide, a magnificent piece of engineering and an undoubted highlight of the day.
Frank Glynn for providing the food and barbecue set up.

Victor Croke our head chef.
Elaine Croake and Miriam Brady for looking after the shop and keeping everybody refreshed with tea and coffee.
Ger Coomey, Mary Fitzpatrick, Niamh Curtain, Victoria Dowling and Grainne Dowling, thank you for all your efforts on the day.

Thank you to all the other parents who helped out on the day and to all the coaches and mentors who looked after the teams and to all our referees who did such a fine job.
Sean Cahill and Dermot Hill were magnificent goalies for the penalty shootout, even if one was much more nimble than the other.

Congratulations to Michael Conneff on his epic victory. The less said, the better about Richie Hayden’s effort to turn some of the kids into bowling pins.  
A special mention must also go to Sean Cahill, the bravest man on the day, who despite the ravages of time was still willing to show off his fine torso on the slide. The women of the parish thank you.

All the action was captured by Annie Gough, club PRO & photographer and can be viewed here.

Roll on next year and we can do it all again.


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