Eadestown GFC

Founded 1884

Co. Kildare

Contact Us

Address: Tipper South, Naas, Co. Kildare,W91 P7R2

Email: eadestowngaa@gmail.com

Patrons/Trustees/Officers/Committee  -AGM January 2024


Patrons:  Fr . M Comer PP,   Rev  P Heake.

Trustees: R Hayden, G Kavanagh, C Dowling, S Aldridge, R Whelan.

Joint  Vice Presidents:  M Mc Loughlin, E Dowling, T Magee, R Hayden, G Kavanagh, James Grainger, M Grainger.

Chairperson: B Mc Gettrick

Vice Chairperson: G Brady

Secretary: E Cunningham

Fixtures Secretary: E Cunningham

Treasurer: O Mescal

Asst Treasurer: M Crowley

Registrar: M Crowley

P.R.O.: V Dowling

Mens County Board Rep: P Byrne

Safety Coordinator: M Flynn

Grounds: G Coomey

Coaching & Development : 

School Liason Officer: C Bolton

Health & Wellbeing Officer : M Mernagh

Irish Officer: G Coomey

Child Welfare Officer: M Ashe

Underage Chairperson: F Glynn

Ladies  Rep: R Tuohy

Executive Committee: N Butler, C Cleary, D Sargent, R Hayden, 

Executive Committee: 

Club Person of the Year 2024: John Behan 


Eadestown Ladies

Chairperson: Aimee O’ Neill

Vice Chairperson: Grace Mc Loughlin

Secretary Rachel Tuohy

Registrar: Orlaigh Behan

Co Board Rep: Rachel Tuohy

P.R.O.  Ger Kavanagh



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